Stop. Breathe.

Every once in a while, things get crazy.

Life gets a little out of control.

Panic starts to hit.





And remember that God can (and will) ease your stress.

“The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” (Psalm 9:9-10)

Remember that Jesus wants to relieve you of your burden.

“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’” (Matthew 11:28)


Sometimes all you need to do is stop.

And breathe.

And give thanks that the Lord is with you.



Photo by Shawn Rozzi. Thanks Shawn!

Simple Peace

Today was one of those days where, even though nothing went wrong, stress managed to keep piling up. And as I reached the end of this slowly stressful day, and all of those individual stresses were adding up into one big knot in my stomach, I managed to save over the wrong file and I lost a document I’d just spent about an hour and a half working on.

At that point, I was starting to feel a little bit of despair. I would now have to go home, work on this work project in my free time at home just to finish it up on time, and that would end up pushing back a personal project I’m already working on in my free time.

As I walked in the door of my house, I wasn’t sure what I should even do next. It seemed that, no matter what action I took, it would culminate in some sort of stress for me. I mean, the rest of the day had gone that way, so why would it change now?

And for whatever reason, I decided that my next step, before I did anything else, was going to be reading my Bible. I figured it was the only possible thing I could invest my time in that wouldn’t end with me feeling worse about things.

I was right. I didn’t find the “perfect verse” to help me relieve my stress or anything like that. I wasn’t blown away or amazed by the two chapters I read in Isaiah. There was nothing about reading my Bible (this time) that totally rocked my world off its axis.

But it did help me clear my head. And I think that might be what God was going for this time. He doesn’t always have to rock us to the core to have an impact on our lives. Sometimes He just wants to remind us he’s there.

So thanks for being there, God. And thanks for being a blessing, not a stressing. (I know stressing isn’t a noun, I really just wanted that to rhyme.)

If you’re feeling stressed about something, open up your Bible. You might not find that “perfect verse” it seems like people in stories and sermons always manage to find, but you might be surprised at what you do find in there.


Photo by Baer Tierkel. Thanks Baer!

Healing In Jesus Name

I got a phone call today from a dear, dear friend of mine.  She was diagnosed with cancer a little over 2 years ago and had her tumor markers yesterday in Omaha, NE.  The doctors reported that they had found new growth and that she will be going in for surgery next week to have them removed and to determine what the next steps will be

The reason I bring this up is because when I hung up the phone, I was thinking about God’s ability to heal us.  In Exodus 15:26 the Lord is called Jehovah Rapha, the Healer.  Psalm 103:3 says he forgives all our sins and heals all our diseases.  1 Peter 2:24 echos the words of Isaiah 53:5 saying that by His stripes we are healed.  Matthew 9:35 says that Jesus himself went about preaching the gospel and healing all kinds of sickness and disease.

Satan is the author of sickness and disease.  The Bible tells us we must take authority over Satan to be healed.  In Luke 10:19, Jesus gives us that authority, that we may speak in His name and receive healing.  It is not our strength alone that releases this authority.  It is through the name of Jesus.  Peter demonstrates this in Acts 3 as he speaks healing over a lame man at the temple gate.  Invoking the power of the name of Jesus, the man is able to walk.

I often succumb to the lie that God doesn’t have the time to heal me… or that I need to wait it out.  Maybe I’m beyond healing…miracles are for other, more righteous people.  This, my friend, is a lie.  Jesus paid the price so that every single one of us might be healed.  Thinking otherwise is an insult to God and His power.

If you or anyone you know is suffering in any way, please take authority over satan in the name of Jesus and claim what is rightfully yours as a beloved child of God.  He is Jehovah Rapha, our Healer.

Great I Am


So incredibly moving.  I love the powerful simplicity of these lyrics.  Worship with me, friends.


On This Day 88 Years Ago…

I’ve wanted to write about my grandpa for a long time, but whenever I think about it, I realize words really cannot capture who he was as a person and who he was to me.  It’s a feat I’m afraid I’m not quite up to yet.  But regardless of my shortcomings, in honor of what would have been his 88th birthday, I decided to share with you a video our family put together for his memorial service a few years ago.


While days like this still make my heart ache, I am so comforted to know we will be reunited someday in the presence of our Savior.  Thank you, Jesus.

Set Free


I smile…on the outside

But inside, I know

My soul …Is black

Filled with guilt

It’s my fault

They haven’t heard

A word …of truth

I follow the world

Every boy and girl

Wrapped up in themselves

Have become my role model


Why can’t I be… like them?


My reputation

On the line

I claim I’m fine

…But I’m not

I want to fit in

I sin

Betraying Him

The one who made me

Who I am




My mind’s medication

…But it’s all temporary

I lack satisfaction

Worshiping this god, my creation

But no true relationship


A dark abyss

…My heart sinks

What’s the meaning of this life?

Trapped in confusion

Thoughts swirling in disillusion


This war I wage in utter seclusion

I’ve hit rock bottom

My soul cries in pain

I know I must change

If I want to be more than this mess I have made


Myself I disown

I can’t do it alone

I cry out to God

Please, make me Your own


Peace floods my being

Christ redeeming … my past

…It’s all gone

My failures …distant memories

Thrown in the Sea…Of Forgetfulness

I am blessed…beyond words

And still, I wonder

How could this be?

It seems too easy

One minute I’m a slave

The next I’m redeemed?

Innocent blood

The currency that purchased my salvation

Torture, anguish and utter humiliation

He endured it all

For me

That was my penalty

But now here I stand

Completely free!

Creativity: Communication With The Savior

Hello, friends.  It’s been a while since I’ve written anything personally and although today won’t be a long post as I have lots of homework to do, I wanted to share something that’s been on my heart.  It’s this idea that there is tremendous therapy through art and creativity.  I know from my own experiences that it is often through various artistic outlets (creative writing, painting, dancing, photography, music, etc.) that I am able to discover healing.  Now when I say that, please understand I am not trying to take God out of the equation.  My creative expression is focused on truths found in scripture; it’s as if the Holy Spirit flows through me more freely when my innermost thoughts are expressed creatively. I have come to find that it is through these outlets that I’m able to communicate with my Savior the things so deeply ingrained in my soul that words alone do not prove just.  Some things are just beyond speech.

I often find inspiration through similar creative works from others.  Recently, I’ve found incredible comfort in the beautiful simplicity of music.  I love the raw, passionate lyrics and the harmonious melodies of so many of these artists.  They are so real, so transparent.  My heart finds peace knowing others feel what I feel and that in the midst of life’s circumstances, Jesus is always waiting with open arms.

I’ve created a playlist with many of these recently inspiring songs.  I hope you too find deep comfort in the beauty they hold.