A Devotion on Being Bold for Christ

Jack half-birthdayHey friends,

For those of you who didn’t know, life has been a little crazy for us lately. Our 6-month-old, Jack, has officially started crawling, which means we ourselves spend a good chunk of time on the floor both playing with him and doing our best to corral him when he breaks for the stairs. We’re also doing a basement renovation (although, if we’re being honest, Lindsie is doing most of the renovation, as painting tends to be a passion project of hers…I just had the fun job of tearing out all of our carpet down there). Needless to say, there’s a lot happening in the Billeter household.

That being said, we wanted to share some important stuff happening in our spiritual lives. One of the biggest blessings for us since completing our walk and settling back down in South Dakota has been my job at the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society. Good Sam is the nation’s largest non-profit senior living provider in the United States. But even cooler than that is the fact that it’s a Christian organization, which isn’t always easy to find these days.

For me, that means working at a place that opens every meeting in prayer, allows us to have faith-driven conversations at work, and, one of my favorite things, gives us a chance to attend (and, if desired, lead) devotions five days a week at 10 AM.

While I haven’t led a ton of devotions in the past year, I have led a handful, and I wanted to share some of those on here in case they can either encourage people in their own walks with Christ, or at least lead to a deeper discussion.

We’re also hoping to start writing here on the blog on a more regular basis again. Jack (our son) is consistently sleeping through the night now, so it feels a little easier to crank away on a computer after he goes to bed than it did a few months ago, when I’d fall asleep with my hand on the keyboard and leave a long trail of jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj’s before realizing I had dozed off.

Hope you enjoy the devotion, and please don’t hesitate to drop us a line if you want to talk more. We can be reached by email at stormingjericho (at) gmail (dot) com, or you can leave a comment on the post. We’re just thankful to have an opportunity to share the Word and continue serving this glorious Lord of ours.


Thanks for continuing to check in on the site, and we’ll be back with more soon!

-Mike (and Lindsie)