Planters, Waterers, Harvesters—Trusting God’s Plan

As I mentioned in a recent post, I (Mike) have an opportunity to share devotions where I work—the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society. Good Sam is a Christian organization that provides senior living across the U.S., and it’s a blessing to be able to safely share my faith at work.

One of my recent devotions relied on one of our favorite experiences from our walk and the lesson learned from that experience. It’s a story we shared a handful of times during our journey, and it was fun to be able to connect it with the message of my devotion.

If you want to watch the video, I’ll include it below (or you can click this link to watch it on YouTube). The main point of the message is simple. Sometimes God uses us to plant the seed of Christ’s love in another’s heart. Other times, our job is to water and nurture a seed that someone else has planted, helping it to grow in exciting ways. Still other times, our job is to harvest the seed, leading someone to accept Christ as our Savior.

The hard part is that we don’t always know which job we have. Sometimes we want to see the harvest and all we’re able to do is plant the seed. Other times, we enjoy the excitement of the harvest because of the labor of others who faithfully planted and watered. The important thing is that, through our actions, our words, and our trust in God’s plan for our lives, we have the ability to make an impact for God’s kingdom. Kind of puts an exciting twist on farming, doesn’t it?

Here’s the video:

Do you have any experiences with planting, watering and/or harvesting? What do you find are the challenges and joys of the labor?

Thanks for reading, and we’ll be posting again soon.

-Mike, Lindsie, Jack and Jaeda