
Unfortunately, over the past few weeks, Lindsie and I have been busy.

With Lindsie taking 18 credits this semester and working full time, she’s doing her best to keep her head above water.  On my end, I’ve got my normal job at ADwërks and a few projects on the side that I’m hammering away on.

All in all, this has left us with just about enough time to occasionally sneak in a movie and, once every few weeks, go out and get a nice dinner together.

But really, the reason I started this post with the word “unfortunately” is that our busyness has managed to keep us from staying as connected to God as we should be. Too many nights have been spent working on things that “matter” now, but really, in the long run, won’t matter at all. Too many mornings have brought the dread of waking up to a list of things to do rather than waking up with a list of reasons to thank God we’re alive.

I won’t sit here and make some bold, impossible statement like “But all that ends TODAY!” because the truth is, I can’t say that it will. It’s a daily struggle all of us deal with. When we’re simply trying to make time for life, how are we supposed to also make time for Christ? It’s so much easier said than done, right?

But we have to try. Whether that means holding ourselves more accountable to others outside of our immediate circle or whether that means getting on a set, immovable schedule for spending time with the Lord, we need to do what it takes to stay connected to God. Because he’s just sitting there waiting for us with the awareness that, if we’d just give it up to him, he can (and will) take care of it.

It’s easy to drown in life. But God is sitting there with us in the water, just waiting for us to realize that he’s already holding us. We just have to trust him to help us float.

Think about it. And try to spend at least a few minutes with God today. It’s amazing how helpful it can be when it comes to getting rid of some of the busyness of life.


Photo by Kenneth Barker. Thanks Kenneth!

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