Happy Easter from the Storming Jericho crew!

Christ is risen!Hey friends and family. We just wanted to get on and share a quick post on this beautiful Easter Sunday. With so much to be thankful for, we could probably write a 10-page post and still barely scratch the surface. But since we don’t want to keep you guys stuck inside reading all day, here are a few verses that we believe really hit home when it comes to what Easter is all about.

They may not be the typical/traditional Easter verses you’re used to, but we think they pack plenty of power nonetheless. The first is from Romans, when Paul writes in chapter 10, verse 9:

“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Sometimes it seems like Easter morning sermons only focus on the fact that Jesus rose from the dead and overcame death. That’s important, but I sometimes think the why of Jesus’ resurrection can be overlooked during an Easter sermon. The important thing isn’t just that Jesus rose from the dead—the important thing is that Jesus rose from the dead to SAVE us from our sin. It’s not just knowing that Jesus died for our sins that matters. It’s believing in our hearts that God raised him from the dead. Sometimes that’s not an easy thing to believe. After all, a resurrection isn’t exactly a common occurrence we see every day. That’s why the Bible tells us to believe it in our hearts.

In case you’re wondering if it’s really that important to believe, here’s a verse from 1 Corinthians 1:18 that helps emphasize why it’s not just important, but imperative that we believe:

“The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.”

Jesus died for our sins so that we wouldn’t need to suffer destruction and death. As Paul tells us, those of us who know (and believe) that know it is the very power of God. We believe in the message of the cross and we believe in the power of God. Why? Because no other power could raise someone to life from death.

Our prayer on this Easter Sunday is that you also believe in the power of God and be saved. The story of Christ’s death on the cross to conquer sin and His resurrection from the grave to conquer death is a one-of-a-kind story that truly demonstrates just how much God cares for us. We encourage you to open up your Bible today and read that story for yourself.

We hope you have a fantastic Easter. The power of God is moving in all of us. We truly believe that, and we hope you do too.

Be blessed, and we’ll be back with another post soon.

-Mike and Lindsie (and Jaeda)

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