Healing In Jesus Name

I got a phone call today from a dear, dear friend of mine.  She was diagnosed with cancer a little over 2 years ago and had her tumor markers yesterday in Omaha, NE.  The doctors reported that they had found new growth and that she will be going in for surgery next week to have them removed and to determine what the next steps will be

The reason I bring this up is because when I hung up the phone, I was thinking about God’s ability to heal us.  In Exodus 15:26 the Lord is called Jehovah Rapha, the Healer.  Psalm 103:3 says he forgives all our sins and heals all our diseases.  1 Peter 2:24 echos the words of Isaiah 53:5 saying that by His stripes we are healed.  Matthew 9:35 says that Jesus himself went about preaching the gospel and healing all kinds of sickness and disease.

Satan is the author of sickness and disease.  The Bible tells us we must take authority over Satan to be healed.  In Luke 10:19, Jesus gives us that authority, that we may speak in His name and receive healing.  It is not our strength alone that releases this authority.  It is through the name of Jesus.  Peter demonstrates this in Acts 3 as he speaks healing over a lame man at the temple gate.  Invoking the power of the name of Jesus, the man is able to walk.

I often succumb to the lie that God doesn’t have the time to heal me… or that I need to wait it out.  Maybe I’m beyond healing…miracles are for other, more righteous people.  This, my friend, is a lie.  Jesus paid the price so that every single one of us might be healed.  Thinking otherwise is an insult to God and His power.

If you or anyone you know is suffering in any way, please take authority over satan in the name of Jesus and claim what is rightfully yours as a beloved child of God.  He is Jehovah Rapha, our Healer.

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