A (late) Christmas update on the Billeters—and their new baby

Baby Jack - lights in color

It has been far too long since we last posted an update, but I’m going to be honest—things have been a little bit crazy in the Billeter household.

For starters, we have a household. After moving back to Sioux Falls in May, Lindsie and I bought a house, which we love. After spending a year sleeping in our tent on the side of the road, sleeping on the floors of churches, and sleeping in the guest bedrooms of generous hosts, moving into a house feels like we finally have a foundation to start the next stages of life.

Speaking of which… we had a baby!

Baby Jack in whiteJack David Billeter was born on November 6th, 2014. He weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces and initially measured at 20 ½ inches (but my dad, a basketball coach, insisted Jack was “taller” than that). A day or two later at our follow-up appointment, Jack was measured at 21 and ¼ inches, so I guess my dad was right.

Although I would never make the mistake of saying Lindsie’s delivery was “easy,” I would say that it went pretty smoothly by most people’s standards. We arrived at the hospital at 7:30 AM on November 6th and Jack was in our arms at 8:57 AM. It was a fast delivery, and we are so grateful that the Good Lord has blessed us with such a happy, healthy baby. We somehow manage to love him more and more by the day, and we’re looking forward to watching him grow up to be a strong, confident warrior for Christ.

Baby Jack in black and white lightsAll in all, we have just been overwhelmed by God’s goodness and grace in our lives, and it has given us plenty to reflect upon this Christmas. We hope that things are going well for you too.

We’re still working on our book (we have several chapters written, it’s just a matter of making sure everything feels right before we finish a full first draft), and we hope to have more developments on that front sooner than later. As always, feel free to email us at StormingJericho (at) gmail (dot) com if you want to get in touch. We’d love to hear from you and get an update on what’s going on in your world. And if you have any prayer requests, please don’t hesitate to let us know. When we’re up at 3:30 AM with our delightful-but-wide-awake baby, doing something productive like praying would be very helpful.

Thanks! We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and we hope you have a blessed 2015.

In Christ,
Mike, Lindsie, Jack, and Jaeda

P.S. – Speaking of Jaeda, we should give an update on her. Although we’re thankful that she seems to truly love Jack, we’re also battling the fact that now she feels the need to fiercely defend him from any and all threats. That means when I (Mike) go to pick him up, my hands and fingers are usually in some sort of peril. So we’re praying that she eases up just a little bit, but knowing that little ball of fire, it’s probably not going to happen anytime soon. 🙂

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