Opportunity: Don’t Miss It

Before I begin, I’d like to apologize.  I’ve been terrible about keeping up with this blog.  It’s been weighing on my mind for some time now, but the more I put it off, the more intimidating it became.  And to be honest, I don’t know why.  But I intend to change that pattern starting today.

As I read my Bible last night, I was thinking about opportunity.  I so often pray, “Jesus, use me.”  And then wonder why he hasn’t sent me to Africa or to the inner city of Chicago.  Here I am…in rural South Dakota (soon to be Missouri) where the worst thing that happens (typically) is attempted cow tipping.  And nowhere in the Bible does it say, “Thou shalt not tip over thy neighbor’s cow.”

So last night, I read Acts 3.  I’ll give you the quick version but I recommend reading it when you have a few minutes to really meditate on it.  Peter and John are on their way to the Temple.  As they approach the Temple, a crippled man was sitting by the gate.  He asked them for money…they said they had none, but that they’d give him what they did have.  Pretty soon they reached down, grabbed his hands and picked him up.  Tada!  He could walk.

Here’s what gripped me though. In verse 12, it says, “Peter saw his opportunity and addressed the crowd.”  First, he saw the opportunity.  In order to see something, we have to have our eyes open, to be aware of the possibility and be looking for it.  I ask God to use me, but so often I go about my day focused on me.  How will I ever see the opportunity to help someone else if my eyes are focused inward and not outward?  Second, Peter acted without hesitation.  I humbly admit there have been several times in my life that God has spoken to me, opened my eyes to opportunity and instead of acting, I’ve hesitated and lost what could have been a life-changing moment for someone.  So as I read and re-read and re-read that one simple verse, God spoke to me and changed my heart.

One more thing before I close this long-awaited post.  In verse 6 of Acts 3, Peter tells the crippled man he’d give him what he had.  Although it doesn’t say it, this is a perfect example of Peter seeing an opportunity and acting on faith.  And look at the result.  I encourage you, brothers and sisters, to open your eyes to the world around you.  Look for opportunity to be ambassadors for Christ and then take that step of faith and let God use you to change someone’s life.



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