Creative Chaos

Sometimes God speaks to us quietly, guiding our thoughts with His careful wisdom. Other times He gives us a revelation that explodes like a stick of dynamite and changes the landscape of our entire state of mind almost instantaneously.  This weekend, He blew me away…

Before I go into that, I should give you some background.  As you may know, this is my first semester back in school since I graduated in 2007.  I’m working toward my Christian Counseling degree, which inevitably means many, many psychology classes.  Although my goal is to end up at a Christian university, my current classes are through a local public university.  As I’m sure you can imagine, faith in God doesn’t always fit into the syllabus at such universities.  As a result, I have been taught that faith is foolish, that we did in fact evolve from monkeys and that human beings have no purpose, only function (that is literally what my textbook said).

That being said, this semester has provoked more God-related conversations than psychological conversations, particularly those related to evolution.  Then on Saturday, during one of those completely ordinary moments, God revealed to me a fantastic illustration as to why it takes more faith to believe in the theory of evolution than it does to believe in God and the truth found in His Word.

[UPDATE: Unfortunately, the video we originally embedded/linked to has been removed from YouTube, but if it ever gets re-posted, we’ll add the link back in here. Sorry for the confusion.]

Assuming you did watch the clip, I must ask, have you ever seen something like that happen in real life?  Have you ever seen a catastrophic accident lead to organization?  Have you ever seen a car leave the scene of a crash looking better than it did before?  That makes no sense.  Destruction does not create order.

Now consider the human body in all its complexities.  I’m no scientist and don’t even claim to being to know the intricate miracles our bodies participate in every day, and yet, even from my elementary knowledge, I know something this amazingly sophisticated could not have “just happened”.  Do you see how it takes more faith to believe that than it does to believe God created us?

We were no accident.  We were created with a purpose.  We are God’s masterpiece.


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