Today’s The Day!

Thanks to Lindsie’s incredible parents, we’ve been able to spend the past two days doing some sightseeing in San Francisco. We’ll upload some of the sweet pictures Lindsie took (and a quick video that we shot yesterday) so you can see what we saw.

The good news is that it’s now official: the walk starts today (Tuesday, June 12th). We’ll have more info & updates for you soon, but we wanted to post a quick heads up for now. (Plus, I just wanted to share some of Lindsie’s awesome photos.)

We’ll be walking by about 1:00 this afternoon, and we’ll be on the road for a year, so feel free to say some prayers and leave some words of encouragement in the comments section (or over on the Facebook page).

Thanks for all of the amazing support so far. We can’t wait to see what God shows us/teaches us/provides for us in the next year.

-Mike (and Linds)


  1. We’re praying for you guys. Are you taking the dog, too? May the Lord lead and guide each step of your way. May He bind you together in His great love, and may He give you much good fruit as you carry with you the fragrance of the knowledge of Jesus our Savior. We’ll be watching for updates as you are able to make them, and we’ll be praying for you each day…With much love, Karen and Tim

  2. It’s a long way to WV, but we’ll be watching for ya!! Godspeed and safe journey!

  3. We’ve had a blast with the two of you (and Jaeda) these past few days, and it’s been such a blessing to see you off on this great adventure. We’ll be praying for you all along the way, and watching for any and all updates as you have time to get them posted. We love, love, love you both (and Jaeda). 🙂 XOXO